Welcome to My Fiduciary's Forum

A community pursuing stewardship excellence

About the Forum

This community was founded by executives who developed governance, risk management, and compliance practices used by sponsors of employee benefit plans under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act ("ERISA").  Our mission is to enable skill growth and collaboration among members and identify tactics they can use to maintain their effectiveness. 

Why Join Us?

The job of participating on a committee whose duty is to ensure the safe and legal operation of ERISA-qualified plans is challenging, filled with skill requirements for which typical academic training and business unit management experience have little parallel.

Participation in a community with others who face the same dilemma and have discovered the methods that work and are eager to share them with peers is a proven way to acquire the wisdom needed to perform with assurance.

What You'll Get

Members of this community forum receive real-time notifications of developments affecting their fiduciary position, interpretations of regulatory and legal events, access to peers at other EBP sponsors, and ways to avoid the traps that can lead to a decline in the effectiveness of a benefit plan.  My Fiduciary's Forum answers the need for ongoing fiduciary training. We foster excellence.

My Fiduciary's Forum™ is a trademark of Roland|Criss Fiduciary Services.